Saturday, February 26, 2005

Glorious car seats and key lime pie

Well, we had a fantastic thing happen last night. We sort of figured out something that allieviates the heartburn qualms is to have Savannah sleep in her car seat. Genius! She slept for something like 20 hours out of the day. We had to wake her up to eat. It started when Angel draped a sleepy Savannah over a "boppy" pillow (this round doughnut-like pillow; if you are a mom you probably know what this is), and she went right to sleep. It looked so uncomfortable; but she slept for something like 3 and a half hours. Amazing. We wouldn't normally let her sleep on her stomach but since she is on a monitor we don't care. After a while we switched her to her car seat and now she loves it. I really helps stop her heartburn. Woo Hoo!
On another note, I just had the last of the key lime pie last night that someone from our church made for us. Man. That pie was so good I would break my own leg just to get it. That is the great thing about having a nice church; you get tons of meals. Since we aren't really ready to venture back to church just yet, I've been listening to some teachings from Mars Hill. I just download their stuff (which is FREE; you can get it here) and put it on my MP3 player, and listen when I drive to work. Man, they have good stuff. If you want to check them out, click here. Then click on "listen" in the drop-down menu under "listen". Their stuff is brilliant. Check em out!

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Formula Questions

BTW, what is the best kind of formula to get? Does anybody have any opinions? Our pediatrician said that if we have to we should use Infamil or Similac. (sp?)

Crying over spilt milk

Well, we had a huge disaster happen while I was gone in Omaha. Do you remember the picture of all that milk that Angel had pumped over the span of about 4 months? Well, a couple of days ago she went out to the deep freezer to bring another tray in. When she did so, the door didn’t shut all that tightly and popped open, but Angel didn’t realize the freezer door was open until last night. ALL OF THE MILK WAS RUINED, AND HAD TO BE THROWN OUT. I write that in caps because it was a huge disaster; Angel was crying, and still almost cries whenever we talk about it. I almost cried myself. All that work! All those sleepless nights, all for nothing! And now we are worried that Savannah will have to go on formula early. We had planned on just using that milk, and Angel could maybe stop pumping, since we had enough to last until Savannah was older. Now we have one tray of milk left, and Angel is going to have to start pumping every 3 hours again to make her supply come back in. So on top of dealing with Savannah at all hours of the night, she has to pump every 3 hours, or put her on formula, something we have been staunchly against. Argh. We are very distraught over this. It took them a good couple of hours to throw all the milk out. They called every lactation specialist they could get a hold of to see if somehow they could salvage it. But when it has been thawed for 24 hours, it is good for only a day. There was GALLONS of the stuff. All gone.

All of it, double-stacked, gone.

Monday, February 21, 2005

That's just plain creepy

I checked my monitoring site the other day, which tells me, among other things, how many people have checked out this site since it's inception (6, 349), which foreign country is the site the most popular with (Iceland), and which states are the most frequent visitors (Massachussetts, Oklahoma (of course) Florida, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and a few New England states). One of the things I can look at is where the visitors came from, that is, what sites they leave to come to this one. I can use this to see if anyone is able to find savannah's site by googling her name ("Savannah Cabell"), so I can tell people to google her name and they will find her, rather than give them her huge site name. But one person (I don't know who, since I don't see "who" these people are, just their IP addresses which are a string of numbers) came from googling "bath time pictures", which just so happens to be a subtitle for one of Savannah's pictures. I can't tell you how creepy that is. I mean, this phrase isn't exactly a colloquialism, but "bath time" makes me think of little kids, which means that maybe someone was looking for naked pictures of little kids? Is there any other way to view this? Yuck. Geez. I'm glad I was so discreet with her pictures. Ugh. That is creepy.