Zack says I should post, but I feel that you will all find it not as interesting as when Zack posts. He is a very creative guy. New news in Savannah land:
1. She had to go back on the Reglan. She started not taking her bottle as well and throwing up more so the doctor said to try it again. We are still waiting to see if it works. I hope it doesn't make her agitated again. I was enjoying happy baby.
2. Daddy babysat on Friday night so I could go clothes shopping. He was alone with Savannah for 4 to 5 hours and he did an excellent job. I will have to leave them alone more often. :) Being quarantined at the house is very tiring and I don't know how people do it that had to start in October. Mine didn't start until January. I will be so happy when we can take her places.
3. Savannah is starting to bat at toys once in a while now and her neck strength is getting better. She also does this funny little laugh. She sort of chuckles quietly, I am still waiting for the all out belly laugh.
4. We go to the doctor again tomorrow to see how much the little bambino weighs.
5. The oxygen weaning process is still ongoing. Now for 9 hours everyday she is turned down to an 1/8 of a liter. I never new this would take so long. I am so ready to be done with the oxygen and have a wireless baby but it looks like it could still be a couple of months.
Savannah gets more interactive and cuter everyday. She is truly a blessing to our lives. I think I am done now. Sorry if I bored anyone.
Angel (SavannahMom)