Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Diversity is my middle name

I hope you like the pics below, I think they are the best ones yet! In other news, I have a site that "tracks" this site, which I check into every so often to see how many people are coming to the site. It gives me statistics on who visits from where, how long they stay, what they look at, and other miscellaneous privacy violating stuff. Anyway, the reason I mention it is that this little site seems to have attracted a lot of people to it. I've had about 1,200 "hits" to the site in about a month; and just yesterday, in which I had 150 people visit, 20% of those persons were Mexican (Que?) and I have had visitors from Iceland (I get visitors pretty regularly from Iceland, as a matter of fact), Germany, Denmark, Brazil, Spain, Canada, the UK, and almost every state in the nation. Wierd, huh? About 80% of all my visitors are from Tulsa. The other 20% divides up from Wisconsin and Florida. But yesterday I had 11 visitors from West Boylston, Massachussetts. Hello Massachussetts! I think most of these people are lost, because around 60% of the visitors leave after 30 seconds, 20% stay from 30 seconds to five minutes and 20% stay from more than 20 minutes to an hour. Neat, huh?


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